Ние сме вашият надежден партньор.

Клусенбдриф Паскалев предлага висококачествени услуги в мазилки и ремонти. Нашият екип е опитен и се грижи за детайлите, за да осигури дълготрайни резултати.

Вашият доверен избор.
Качество и професионализъм.

Изберете нас за надеждност, прецизност и конкурентни цени. Ние използваме екологични материали и предлагаме персонализирани оферти за вашите нужди от ремонт.

Изключително доволен съм от услугите на Klussenbedrijf Paskalev. Професионализъм и внимание към детайлите, които наистина правят разликата!

Иван Петров

A close-up view of a textured wall with a combination of plain, rough plaster and decorative ceramic tiles. The left side features a faded beige surface with visible cracks and weathering. The right side showcases ornate tiles in a repeating pattern with yellow and black floral motifs, bordered by a column of smaller, circular designs.
A close-up view of a textured wall with a combination of plain, rough plaster and decorative ceramic tiles. The left side features a faded beige surface with visible cracks and weathering. The right side showcases ornate tiles in a repeating pattern with yellow and black floral motifs, bordered by a column of smaller, circular designs.


Нашите Проекти

Представяме ви нашите успешни проекти и решения.

A partially renovated room with bare, unfinished walls showing visible patches of brickwork and mortar. There are exposed pipes and cables on the floor, and a small shovel and a broom leaning against the wall. A large window lets in natural light from outside, showing a view of residential buildings.
A partially renovated room with bare, unfinished walls showing visible patches of brickwork and mortar. There are exposed pipes and cables on the floor, and a small shovel and a broom leaning against the wall. A large window lets in natural light from outside, showing a view of residential buildings.
Декоративни Мазилки

Качествени и стилни решения за вашия интериор.

A room under renovation with exposed wooden beams and insulation on the ceiling, a bare brick wall, and various construction materials scattered around. There is a metal ladder leaning against the wall, a stack of drywall sheets, and bags of cement on the floor. The back of the room is illuminated by a large window covered with white curtains, with a red brick wall to the right.
A room under renovation with exposed wooden beams and insulation on the ceiling, a bare brick wall, and various construction materials scattered around. There is a metal ladder leaning against the wall, a stack of drywall sheets, and bags of cement on the floor. The back of the room is illuminated by a large window covered with white curtains, with a red brick wall to the right.

Перфектно изравняване и завършване на стените.

Several individuals are engaged in the process of painting or plastering a wall of a traditional Asian building with a distinctive curved roof. The setting appears to be late in the day with a soft glow from the ambient lighting. Shadows are visible due to the angle of the sunlight.
Several individuals are engaged in the process of painting or plastering a wall of a traditional Asian building with a distinctive curved roof. The setting appears to be late in the day with a soft glow from the ambient lighting. Shadows are visible due to the angle of the sunlight.
A section of wall with peeling paint, revealing the underlying plaster. The texture is rough and uneven, with patches of discoloration.
A section of wall with peeling paint, revealing the underlying plaster. The texture is rough and uneven, with patches of discoloration.
Вътрешни Ремонти

Професионални услуги за вашия дом или бизнес.


Изравняване и подготовка за последващи довършителни работи.