Качествени ремонти за вашия дом

Надеждни услуги с внимание към детайлите

Мазилки и шпакловки

Професионални решения за вашите стени.

Декоративни мазилки за уникален интериор.

Гипсокартон за перфектни пространства.

Вътрешни ремонти
Конкурентни цени

Защо да изберете нас?

Клузенбдриф Паскалев предлага надеждни решения за мазилки и вътрешни ремонти с професионален екип и високо качество на услугите.

A person is viewed from behind while applying plaster to a wall using a trowel. The individual is wearing a black t-shirt with a logo that reads 'The Street Store'. The wall is partially covered in plaster, revealing a work in progress.
A person is viewed from behind while applying plaster to a wall using a trowel. The individual is wearing a black t-shirt with a logo that reads 'The Street Store'. The wall is partially covered in plaster, revealing a work in progress.

Нашата мисия

Ние се фокусираме върху качеството, устойчивите материали и персонализирани оферти, за да удовлетворим нуждите на нашите клиенти.

Нашите услуги

Предоставяме висококачествени решения за мазилки, шпакловки и вътрешни ремонти на достъпни цени.

Мазилки и шпакловки

Използваме модерни техники и екологични материали за дълготрайни и качествени резултати в мазилките.

A room under renovation with unfinished walls and windows. A person is working on the floor, surrounded by construction materials including paint buckets, wooden planks, and plastic sheets. Sunlight streams in through the large windows, casting shadows on the partially plastered walls.
A room under renovation with unfinished walls and windows. A person is working on the floor, surrounded by construction materials including paint buckets, wooden planks, and plastic sheets. Sunlight streams in through the large windows, casting shadows on the partially plastered walls.
Вътрешни ремонти

Нашият екип предлага професионални услуги за вътрешни ремонти с внимание към детайлите и прецизност.

Персонализирани оферти

Конкурентни цени
A close-up view of a corner between two walls, one covered with unfinished plaster and the other with brickwork. The plaster appears rough and uneven, with visible textures and imperfections. The bricks are neatly arranged, displaying a light orange color.
A close-up view of a corner between two walls, one covered with unfinished plaster and the other with brickwork. The plaster appears rough and uneven, with visible textures and imperfections. The bricks are neatly arranged, displaying a light orange color.
People are working on the interior renovation of a room that appears to be under construction. A worker on a scaffold is painting the ceiling, while others are seated or discussing the progress. The room has smooth, gray walls with arched recesses and a modern design vibe. There are tools and materials scattered around, including a ladder, paint cans, and some rocks or construction debris on the floor. Overhead, stylish pendant lights provide illumination as natural light streams in from windows.
People are working on the interior renovation of a room that appears to be under construction. A worker on a scaffold is painting the ceiling, while others are seated or discussing the progress. The room has smooth, gray walls with arched recesses and a modern design vibe. There are tools and materials scattered around, including a ladder, paint cans, and some rocks or construction debris on the floor. Overhead, stylish pendant lights provide illumination as natural light streams in from windows.

Отличен екип, внимание към детайлите и качествени услуги. Благодаря ви за страхотната работа!

Ивана П.

A partially renovated room with freshly laid concrete flooring. The room has bare plastered walls and two exposed pipes for plumbing. A window at the far end allows natural light in, partially illuminating the room. There is building material placed in the corner.
A partially renovated room with freshly laid concrete flooring. The room has bare plastered walls and two exposed pipes for plumbing. A window at the far end allows natural light in, partially illuminating the room. There is building material placed in the corner.


Нашите Проекти

Открийте нашите успешни проекти и доволни клиенти.

A section of a wall with cracked plaster revealing red bricks underneath. The plaster appears worn and aged, showcasing textures and shades of yellow. The exposed bricks are arranged in a regular pattern, highlighting the contrast between the rough surface of the plaster and the structured brickwork.
A section of a wall with cracked plaster revealing red bricks underneath. The plaster appears worn and aged, showcasing textures and shades of yellow. The exposed bricks are arranged in a regular pattern, highlighting the contrast between the rough surface of the plaster and the structured brickwork.
Вътрешни Ремонти

Извършваме качествени вътрешни ремонти, като затваряме всякакви неравности и създаваме уютна атмосфера за вашия дом или офис. Доверете се на експертите ни!

An interior space appears to be under renovation, featuring a large, decorative marble wall with an intricate pattern. Scaffolding, tools, and materials are scattered throughout the room, including a cart, power tools, and a table. The room is lit by natural light coming through large windows, adding to the sense of openness.
An interior space appears to be under renovation, featuring a large, decorative marble wall with an intricate pattern. Scaffolding, tools, and materials are scattered throughout the room, including a cart, power tools, and a table. The room is lit by natural light coming through large windows, adding to the sense of openness.
Декоративни Мазилки

Предлагаме красиви и уникални декоративни мазилки, които придават индивидуалност на интериора. С нашия опит ще постигнете впечатляващи резултати с издръжливи материали и техника.